xp: 30

Description: I make bloody fantastic n’ delicious potions! De trick’s fangberry juice, but I’m plum out! Musta fermented the rest o’ it witout tinkin’. A large ticket about 55 miles southwest of Oleg’s. Fetch ‘em for me? Need a canny, strapped lad or lass, I don’t judge. Only trouble ‘sides de distance is dey only grow where Husks brood. Find’em and you’re sure to find fangberries! Just careful you don’t wind up lost or taken! I’ve had adventurers not come back before. Hate to lose such a fine lookin group

Source: Blancert (RL2)

Completion: Bring a full basket of berries - enough to make seven potions.

Reward: 25% Discount for a month; or any three potions for free.