Activities §
- Decide on how you want to go about the adventuring day.
- Learn more about the current hex, or traversing a new hex
- Group activities are limited by the slowest member of the group:
Speed | Activities Per Day |
10ft or less | 1/2 |
15-25 ft | 1 |
30-40 ft | 2 |
45-55 ft | 3 |
60+ ft | 4 |
- Assumes camping time and healthy resting intervals
- It is possible to split up, if you so desired, to accomplish more activities, but this would likely create distance between groups. Bear that in mind.
Forced March §
- At the beginning of the day, you can choose a forced march, as long as no one is fatigued. Gain an extra travel action, but traveling is all that you are able to do that day.
- Can forced march for a number of days equal to your Constitution Modifier
- Extra days of forced marching results in that character becoming fatigued until a full rest
Group Activities §
- These each count as one of the day’s hexploration activities for the whole group.
Travel §
- Progress toward moving into an adjacent hex.
- In open terrain, such as a plain, 1 Travel moves from one hex into another.
- Difficult terrain (forests, desert) require 2 Travels
- Greater terrain (mountains, swamp) require 3 travels
- Road reduces the travel time by one
Reconnoiter §
- Surveying and exploring the area, looking for unusual features or specific sites.
- Hexploration activities = actions needed to traverse the hex (plains=1, forest=2, etc.)
- Roads do not lessen reconnoiter times
- Automatically find visible landmarks and locations; attempt checks to find anything secret or hidden, if present.
Individual Activities §
Exploration Activities §
- Avoid Notice
- Stealth for initiative, potentially avoid combats.
- Defend
- Have Shield Raised at the start of combat
- Detect Magic
- Follow the Expert
- Use the aid of someone who is an Expert in a given skill to give yourself a bonus on your own checks in the same action. (+2, +3, +4 for Expert, Master, Legendary, respectively)
- Investigate
- Recall Knowledge to discover clues among things you have seen
- Repeat a Spell
- Constantly cast a cantrip to have it active for combat.
- Scout
- Travel away from the group, ahead and behind to give everyone in the party +1 to initiative rolls.
- Search
- Seek meticulously for hidden doors, concealed hazards, etc.
- Sustain an Effect
- Similar to Repeat a Spell, just sustaining it to keep the effects active rather than recasting it.
Skill Exploration Activities §
- Borrow an Arcane Spell
- Coerce
- Cover Tracks
- Decipher Writing
- Understand complex or archaic texts that you may have
- Gather Information
- Diplomacy check, usually around people
- Identify Alchemy
- Identify Magic
- Impersonate
- Use a disguise kit to make yourself look like someone else
- Learn a Spell
- Use the skill corresponding to its tradition to learn a new spell
- Make an Impression
- Repair
- Use a repair kit to fix a damaged item
- Squeeze
- Acrobatics to squirm through very tight spaces
- Track
- Survival check to follow tracks
- Treat Wounds
- Medicine Check to heal a creature